Small Business

Big Dreams!

Get More Clients Online

The DigiUp Way

You know you need to sell your services online, but you find it complicated and don't know how to practically implement it.

You won't get anywhere if you don't take the first step ;)

Start with a Selling Website!

​As part of a pre-launch marketing campaign, the "DigiUp Website Selling Formula" eBook + bonuses are being offered for the special price of just $47.00 $7.00. This offer is limited in time, so grab it now while you can...

The DigiUp Formula

Do you want a business website that's not just a digital business card but actually does the selling for you?

The DigiUp Website SELLING Formula is a new and

different website strategy to persuade and sell to readers

right from your website.

By following the formula, going through the included step-by-step content workbook, and utilizing the bonuses, you can have your business website up and running in as little as 7 days.

You will stand out among your competitors, and the choice for your dream customers will be easy.


  • DigiUp Formula eBook

(Value $ 39)

  • Step-by-Step Content Workbook

(Value $ 17)

  • Bonus 1: Done-for-You Home Page Template

(Value $ 149)

  • Bonus 2: "The Art of Persuasion – How to Convert a Visitor on The First Visit"

(Value $ 27)

  • Bonus 3: Dream Client Worksheet

(Value $ 17)

  • Bonus 4: Digital Toolbox - Digital Tools for Business Owners on a Budget

(Value $ 17)

  • Bonus 5: Home Page Framework & Content Checklist

(Value $ 17)

Only $ 7 Today

Save $40

30-day Money Back Guarantee

Is this where the shoe pinches?

You've taken the step of starting your own business. You may have acquired some customers and made some sales, but you don't see the growth you had hoped for, and doubt about your success is slowly creeping in.

Customers come and go, so there's a constant chase for new clients, and a stable income stream remains elusive.

You see others succeeding and know that you need to establish your business online to reach more potential customers, but a lack of knowledge and time is holding you back.

You've Googled, watched YouTube videos, read articles, and maybe even attended webinars and courses that introduced you to smart marketing and sales strategies.

Yet, you're left just as uncertain about which strategies to follow and how to practically implement them.

Perhaps you think it's all too complicated for you, especially when it comes to the technical aspects of developing your company online.

You know you need help, but hiring a marketing agency isn't within your budget.

You can't seem to find a solution, so you continue with what you can manage, which often results in scattered efforts, here and there.

You're throwing macaroni at the wall, hoping some of them will stick.

While all marketing efforts may have some merit, as long as they're not part of a strategy that takes the customer on a journey, they unfortunately won't be very effective.

I know exactly how you feel. I walked in the same shoes. The frustration of not knowing how to solve this and the painful uncertainty about whether you've made the right choice in running your own business.

But giving up is not an option, is it? What you're aiming to achieve is too important. If you know that what you offer can help others and make a difference, it matters to many.

Keep your dream and goal in sight...

...But to get there, you need to take action.

I can help you with the solution. Not just the strategy, but also the practical implementation.

If you bring the will, determination, and put on your "I can do it hat", I'll give you a "kick" upward (KickUp😉).

It's time to eliminate trial and error in your sales and marketing efforts.

You don't have to figure out this "online stuff"

on your own.

You Need a KickUp-Partner

You need to know exactly WHAT to do and HOW − nothing more and nothing less.

You need a partner. Not a business partner, but someone who helps you move forward and upward, someone who possesses the knowledge you lack, someone to turn to when you're stuck, someone who gives you a friendly kick in the butt when it's necessary, holds your hand throughout the journey, and occasionally dangles a carrot to remind you why you're doing this.

You need a strategy. A core strategy that automatically attracts a steady stream of ideal customers to your web and sales pages, content that persuades, and product offers that sell. An evergreen online sales system.

You need knowledge. The exact knowledge required for you to comprehend and the step by step guidance to carry out the tasks necessary.

You need resources. Resources to help you succeed with the strategy, persuasive content, and technical solutions.

You need a plan tailored specifically for you. People have different knowledge, abilities, interests, and wallet sizes, and they need to approach the work of online marketing and sales in slightly different ways.

That's why I've divided my services into DIY, DWY, and DFY: Do It Yourself, Do It With You, or Do It For You.

Most people need a piece of all three variants, with slightly different emphasis based on budget and what they can and want to do. Some destinations can be reached with just a roadmap, for others, you might need a travel companion, while for the most challenging distances, it makes more sense to have a driver taking you there.

In case you didn't know...

You Deserve to Succeed With Your Business!

You're a tough cookie! You've ventured out on your own. That puts you in a rather small (and wonderful) category of people. The majority always opt for the safe route.


  • You work harder than most.
  • You make a difference for someone.
  • You're brave for following your dreams.
  • You're wonderfully unique − I adore you.

“I have never tried that before, so

I think I should definitely be able to do that.”

- Pippi Longstocking

Hey, I am Line.

I firmly believe that maintaining a positive attitude and having faith in myself can help me accomplish almost anything.

I am persistent and I have already accomplished many of my aspirations, including embarking on a one-year world trip, skydiving, working both in front and back of the camera in television production, participating in a reality show, acquiring a cabin in the best skiparadise in the mountains of Norway, authoring a book, and presently having my dream job, running my done-with-you agency, DigiUp, helping you build and grow your business online.

Succeeding with your own business can be challenging. I can attest to that, there have been bumps in the road. Most successful business owners say they failed multiple times before succeeding.

“Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”

- Winston Churchill

One of my aspirations is to help you, as a solo entrepreneur, succeed with your business online.

It's widely recognized that a large number of small businesses do not survive beyond their initial years. I want to do my part in changing this narrative, because we truly need small and tiny businesses.

My goal is to simplify your online journey, sparing you the need for extensive trial and error, and providing you with a strong opportunity to join the ranks of successful entrepreneurs.💪.

This is the hard truth, but I'm a straight shooter; success requires hard work — initially, but it becomes more manageable over time.

Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.

What you must bring is passion for your dream, along with motivation and the determination to achieve it. Without that, I couldn't possibly be your partner. I want to work with someone I can genuinely assist in achieving results — someone who's willing to work tirelessly toward their goal, someone who truly desires it.

Is that you?

I know what it's like to work really hard to succeed, only to find that the finish line doesn't get ANY closer.

Before I knew much about digital marketing, I made an attempt to establish a business concept online.

Back in 2015, a colleague and I started a video production business. We both had years of experience in TV production. Leveraging our extensive expertise, our aim was to create various types of videos for small and medium-sized companies.

At this point, I had some knowledge of web development, so I managed to create a website after considerable effort. Looking back, I was somewhat satisfied with it (considering my skill level at the time). However, the most outstanding aspect of that website was probably our sales video. At least, we knew how to do our job in that regard.

I tried various strategies to get visitors to the site and get customers. I posted on social media and ran some Facebook ads. My biggest focus was on Video SEO, an area I specialized in. I created several promotional videos and successfully ranked them high in Google search results, even on competitive keywords.

The Result?

Absolutely nothing happened.

No one reached out to us.

I couldn't understand why. Our prices were competitive, and we knew we were skilled.

The problem was simple: not many others knew that!

We continued to operate quite successfully for some years, but we shifted our services. We did also manage to sell videos, but it was always to someone who had already become a customer and purchased something else first. Those other services were a higher priority for businesses and had a lower cost.

Fast forward some years, after many courses, trial and error, 3 certifications and investing tens of thousands of dollars in masterminds and coaching, I could have told myself what I did wrong at that time and what exactly I needed to learn.

Online Dating.

HUH? Online Dating?

Here's what I would've told myself:

"You got swiped away, and there was never a match, let alone a first date.

Selling an expensive service to strangers who have no idea if you're good at it or can help them is very hard.

It's like proposing marriage in your Tinder profile.

The ideal client must believe that what you offer is something they need. It must solve a problem for them or be something they want.

In other words, the person must be willing to go on a date with you.

You must understand what your ideal customer actually wants and offer them this with minimal risk. Know as much as possible about those who need your services so that you know WHAT and HOW to communicate.

If you say the wrong things on the date, they probably won't ask for a second one.

A video is relatively expensive and likely didn't solve the problem of the ideal client. So, Line, you didn't know what they wanted, and as a result, you tried to sell the wrong solution and the communication was completely off."

If you want to sell your high-value services, it's wise not to start with the wedding!

  • First, you need to make your dream partner aware of you and spark their curiosity to get a match. Then...
  • Generate enough interest to secure a first date (coffee, not dinner!). Then...
  • Cultivate engagement to make your dream partner want more dates with you (dinner, theatre, and eventually a weekend getaway). Then...
  • Develop a deep connection, converting into a romantic relationship. Then...
  • After your dream partner trusts you, continue to excite and demonstrate that you possess everything they desire and need. The relationship deepens and ascends. You receive a proposal. Then...
  • You tie the knot, and your dream partner is so delighted to be married to you that they sing your praises to their friends and promote the love you share.

You Need a Customer Journey Strategy

I call it Magnetic Offer Marketing

Some DigiUpper's

"DigiUp makes it easy for those of us who find digital marketing a bit big and scary."

- Lotte C. Reiakvam

"Line's knowledge has been very valuable to us because we wouldn't have been able to accomplish these online things on our own."

- Linn Skedsmo

"Everything became quite easy with the resources from DigiUp, so it has been a fantastic help."

- Anne May Johnsen

What's the Process of Building an Evergreen Online Sales System for Your Business ?

Exploration Call

We'll look at where you are now, where you want to go, and what's required to get there? We'll determine the best strategy for you that aligns perfectly with your goals and resources.

Nail Down Your plan

We'll establish timelines and a step-by-step plan, grouping activities as DIY (Do It Yourself), DWY (Do It With You), or DFY (Done For You) based on your abilities and desired assistance.


This is the most significant step where all the elements of your evergreen online sales system are executed and finalized. Offers, website, website customer journey funnels, and sales funnels.

Press Play!

Launch your website and evergreen online sales system. Your system gets action using the chosen traffic strategy, inviting your ideal audience to engage with your magnetic offers and magnetic content.

My Programs & Services

We always start with an exploration call to

determine your goals and what level of help you need.

My programs and services are a variation of DIY, DWY and DFY

based on the level of help you want and need.

Here are some of my most popular programs and services.

TekUp - Website

DFY Website

DWY Strategy & Copy Coaching

Are you ready to finally get a website done that truly represents your brand and effectively converts visitors into clients?

Done-for-you technical setup and custom design of the website based on the strategy and template for the DigiUp Website Selling Formula + Done-with-you strategy, content planning and copy guidance and review.

The Plug & Play

Website Selling System Kit

DIY - Evergreen Website Sales System

Do you want to clone my whole website system?

You are getting EVERY little piece you need to quickly launch your website and the same system I use to automate my entire lead & customer generation process through my website.

It’s like getting a “business in a box” with practically everything you need to make sales from your website & presell them on your high ticket services.

All the templates, pages, forms, Calls-To-Action, E-Mails, automations, and technical Setup, everything integrated and linked together.

Ready to Deploy in Days...

KickUp - Mentor

DWY Journey to Online Success

We'll work together 1-1 and craft a personalized plan with actionable tasks, ensuring you're on the path to your goals. Benefit from weekly follow-ups, 1-1 calls for in-depth discussions, and a private chat for on-the-go questions.

My mentorship goes beyond guidance; it's a partnership in strategy, planning, and execution. Elevate your online presence, attract ideal customers, and build an evergreen sales system. Kickstart your success with KickUp – where mentorship meets action. Ready to take the leap?

DigiUp Website Selling Formula

EBook + Workbook + 5 Bonuses

The DigiUp Website Selling Formula is EVERYTHING you need to start selling from your website in as little as 7 days.

30-day "Love it or it's Free" Guarantee


Only $ 7 Today

Save $ 40

Here are a few feedbacks:

You risk nothing by purchasing my products and DWY programs, because your purchase is protected and backed by a…

30-day money back guarantee

If you're like me, you want to be confident in what you're buying and that it's backed by a warranty.

I want you to be comfortable with your purchase.

That's why I decided to remove all risk for you and give you a 30-day money back guarantee.

If you're anything but super happy just email me within 30 days, I'll refund your money and we'll part as friends.

There is absolutely no risk for you. Now is exactly the right time.

Decide to make a change today

Since the KickUp mentoring programs are 1-on-1 with me, I only take on a limited number of clients. We'll determine if we're a good "match" during our conversation. I promise I don't bite 😉, so if you're unsure, it's better to just go ahead and book a time for a chat.

About Your KickUp-partner

Line Rødli Kristiansen

Digital Strategist & Direct Response Marketer

I started my small business in 2001 and, since then, it has been my sole employer.

My primary business focus over the years has been in consulting and project management in marketing and TV production. Since 2015, I've dedicated all my efforts to the world of digital marketing; engaging in studies, offering advisory services, managing projects, and executing marketing strategies for clients. In 2022, I took the leap to establish DigiUp – Building Your Business Online.

I have assisted numerous small business owners in their digital journey, including content strategy, website development, setting up digital sales processes, email marketing, social media management, video production, and managing paid advertising – all with a focus on clear and persuasive communication with the target audience.

I've innovated a fresh approach to websites for small businesses, transforming the traditional company-focused business site into a 24/7 sales page in disguise where the customer is the hero throughout.

I refer to it as the Gateway Website, as it contains a variety of gateways that lead people on diverse customer journeys with your business, including both free and paid pathways, catering to people's unique needs and preferences.

You have questions, and I have answers.

  • Who is this for?

DigiUp's services are specifically designed for small business owners, coaches, consultants, and course creators. If you want to build your business online and require knowledge and guidance for execution, we tailor our services to your needs. The challenge often lies in practical implementation, which is why we combine strategy and implementation and give you options and combinations of do-it-yourself, done-with-you, and done-for-you services.

  • Is there a guarantee?

Naturally, I can't guarantee you specific results because I don't know you, but I do stand behind the quality of my content and services. You'll receive a 30-day money-back guarantee on most products and services in case they don't meet your expectations. Please note that 'Done for You' services operate under different terms.

  • Do you offer more help if I need it?

Absolutely. Assisting you in achieving great results is the essence of DigiUp. I will be offering more 'Done for You' services in the future. This will be progressively expanded, but if you have a specific need, don't hesitate to ask. If you require extra one-on-one assistance, it will also be possible to purchase individual sessions.

  • How long will it take before I have a successful business online?

It is impossible to give a 100% correct answer to that. It entirely depends on your pace and your starting point. This is something we figure out together in the exploration call.

  • Why are your prices lower than others?

The prices are currently exceptionally low due to our launch offers, and they will increase after the launch period concludes. Nonetheless, the price will remain competitive relative to the value, as my business model is built on multiple income streams, and I aim to assist as many as possible.

  • Do I have to use a special platform to use your services?

No, you don't, but it's a significant advantage for you as you can use all our ready-built assets. Our partner platform is specifically chosen because it is a budget friendly all-in-one' marketing platform that even offers a free plan. Perfect for solopreneurs looking to manage everything in one place without breaking the bank. With this option, you'll receive ready-made templates for our website and funnel system, including all pages, forms, tags, buttons and links, all seamlessly integrated. Click here to take a closer look at

Do you have another question?

Send me a direct message below, and I'll answer you personally.

Contact me

Send me a message or schedule a time in my calendar, and we'll have a conversation over the phone or in a digital meeting.

Digital Toolbox

Download for Free!

Unsure of which technical systems you need to run your business online?

Here you will receive a downloadable PDF with all the 'softwares' and technical platforms I use in my business, along with prices and alternatives. You will also get my tips on smart apps and free programs that solve small and large problems.

✔ 10+ years of experience with various systems.

You will learn a lot about what you need, and perhaps what you don't need for your business.

Let's Be Social. Connect With Me.

Click on the icons to go to the profiles.

Check out these Insta posts!

Digital Toolbox


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I can make no guarantees about your ability to achieve results or make money with my ideas, information, tools or strategies. What I can guarantee is that you are happy with the content. I give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on most products, so if for some reason, you are not satisfied, just ask for your money back. Nothing on this site, any of my websites or any of the content is a promise or guarantee of results or future income, and I offer no legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial figures referred to here, or on any of my websites, are illustrative only of concepts and should not be construed as average income, exact earnings, or promises of actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before taking any action related to a lifestyle change, your business or finances. You are solely responsible for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by registering here you agree not to hold DigiUp responsible for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstances. I point out that certain links on DigiUps' websites can be affiliate links.

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